News 2009
>> News 2008
18.-20.12. Thursday night I packed my car for ready to little trip to ST. Petersburg. Early Friday morning me, Nemo and Arttu picked up Jenni and Max and start to drive towards Russian. Late in the evening we finally find our Hotel after couple get lost our ways and staying in the traffick about 2 hours and not to move anywhere we was at our destinations. Ofcourse we went to walk and when we come back to hotel I little bit pull the Nemos leash and his necklace went to broke. And ofcourse I didn't have reserve necklece whit me. Luckily the Hotels staff was so kind and they took me the nearest petstore where I was able to buy new necklece for Nemo but it was little bit too big for Nemo so Arttu was fall into use it. Still it was so slack that in the show places Arttu pull his head of there couple times. :) But it was necassary.
Saturday we has only one show and it was held near Vasilevsk Island near of our hotel. The Show place was really small and there were only two rings and two different judges who judging all the breeds. So You could imagine that you would stay there all day and Oh my God those dogs they parking a lot and that area was really small. I didn't like that all. But our result was summit! Our judge was L.K. Popov from Russian. There were entry 3 RR. First was Arttu's turn and he Interm. CW and CAC. After that was Nemo's turn and he got also CH EXC, CW and CAC. Then my both boys and the Junior dog was in the best male ring and Arttu won that being BM-1 and also BOB. Immediately after that was group ring and Arttu placed there third. I was more than happy!! :)
Sunday our show place was near the exit road in Garden City. We were entry our dog in two shows in the same day. Could you imagine that? Again there were two different judges on the both shows and two rings but todays place was much better than the Saturdays was. Our judges was N. Bulelik from Belarus and E. Senashenko from Russian and there were announced 5 RR. It was little bit hurry to handled two shows and both of my dogs and look at when the Goldenretriever ring is going to start, but we mannage that and Sundays result was Arttu Interm. EXC, CW, CAC, BM-1, BOB, Group-1 and BIS-4 and another show he got EXC, CW, CAC, BOB, Group-2 !! Nemo got CH EXC, CW and CAC and another show he got also EXC, CW and CAC. When I have enough time to send those documents in RKF there will be confirm Nemo's RU CH title!! :) I am very proud of my dogs and happy of all these sucscess it was more then I could ever imagine!! And thanks to Jenni and Max for great company on this trip!! Maybe someday again?!

 Arttu with all his documents and trophys! :)
 Nemo with his documents. :D
13.12. Today turns was Nordick Winner-09 and Arttu got again excellent result. This time it was interm. EXC-2 no placing in best male ring. Critique finds here.

12.12. At Helsinki Winner-09 show Arttu's result was Interm. EXC-1, BM-4 and Res-CAC. I am so proud and happy for this result. It was more than I could imagine. Critique You find here.

29.11. Turku International Show. Arttu Interm. G3. The critique added the show pages.
21.11. We spended saturday at Jyväskylä International dog Show. Arttus result was Interm. EXC-1 no placing this time at best male ring.

under the judging
15.11. Third obedience trial for me and Arttu. Arttu did his best and todays result was 161,5 points and I prize. We would been so good chance to get almost 180 points, but I did something odd there and Arttu sliped out on the jump. Anyhow the rest of our moves went really good and our point was enough to get I prize. I am so happy! Our friends Anne and she's lagotto girl Uma particepated too and they did excellent work and they points was so huge as 193 and this was their second trial and it went so great!! Our training team is so great! Thank's to everybody who is been training whit us and instruct us!
24.10. Again me and Arttu participate in obedience trial and it was held in Pieksämäki. The riding ring was new place for us and there were lots of new smells for the Arttu. Todays result was 150 points and II-prize. I was quite happy for the result except for the first heeling part. You can find the result here.


This Saturday we spend by tracking and it was organised by VarPS. These fall days are quite cold and windy like this day too. Anyway the plan was made two different tracks and the second one was little bit older than first one. Both Nemo's and Arttus track made some one else than me.
In the Nemo's first track there were three 90 degree angles. Becouse I had make so much only straight track he thinks that track was going directly and put some more speed over the coner. I really had to brake the speed. Last corner went much better and Nemo even be patient to sniff the track. The second one went quite good. For now one I have to make lots of corners or gently sloping streamers but no more straight track for Nemo.
Arttu's first track was gently sloping streamers and it went good. No nothing wonder. We put every step the tidpit so he lift up the every steps. The second one was little bit harder there was three sharp corner and it went still really good. I could do Arttu too little bit harder tracks more corners and gently sloping streamers. In this winter I have to teach Arttu how to express the object. Here are couple pictures of boys on the track.
 Nemo trackin with speed... :)
 the corner was found :)
 Arttu tracking very concentrate

9-10.10. Me and Arttu stayed night with Heidi and Rampo's place. Saturday I had to spend the morning in the lecture but Heidi, Sami, Rampo and Arttu headed to Nilsiä for the "Makkaramaasto" unofficial lure course trial. This year RR's would run the same categories as the big grayhounds. It was Arttu's first time to run hole track and chaced the lure. The track was about 400m long and rest of that it was smal hills. Too bad that I wasn't to saw that becouse Arttu ran quite good despite that some other dog got of the leash. Becouse the trial was unofficial there were only one judge. Arttu's points was 72/100. It was nice day to saw lots of different dog chased the lure. Thanks to Heidi and Sami for taking Arttu along with You. Pictures taken Sinttu Ruuskanen

20.9. Obedience trials held in Varkaus and we participated that. It was our first time and it didn't went bad at all. We got 168 points and I - prize. I'm so happy! Results find here.

Heel free
 Jump and stand
13.9. Today we were at Porvoo national dog show. RR entry was 16 couple absent. Arttu's result was Interm. EXC-1. This time no placed on Best Male competition.

12.9. Tallinna national dog show enter 10 RR. Arttu got VG-1. The Jugde was Mr. Martin Johansson. Thaks to Kaisa for great company. Also thanks to Niina, Pinja, Ammi, Sanna, Janica and Irina for the nice company outside the ring. Critique you find in shows.
1.9. Estonian Kennenklub confirm Nemo's Champion title and now he is also EE CH.

7.-9.8. We spended nice weekend at the Rhodesian ridgeback camp. Me, Heidi and Eeva and ofcourse all the boys was stayed same room. Luckily we had big room so boys have enough space. Couple pictures lure course training.

1.8. Today was Pasis turn to make a debyt in Showring. I was worked secretary youngsters obedience FC competetion what was held here in Varkaus. WoW the young competitors were magnificent. I saw amazing performs hole day. While I was working Pasi drove to Iisalmi Cacib show. Todays RR entry was 8 and two was absent the judge was Mr. Pekka Teini, Fin. Arttu got VG-2. The Judge didn't gave any CAC only one dog got excelent and it was champion. Critique added in show page. Pasi was also met Arttus brother Maximus and his owner. Here are couple pictures handsome Maximus and shows. Thanks to Anitas boys who handled to took the pictures! :)
 The judge thinking pretty hard what ribbon he give to Arttu
 Pasi and Arttu in the moving
 Maximus and his moves
 Handsome Maximus ;)
24.-26.7. This weekend was full of speed. Arttu got spesial visitors becouse his brother Rampo and Äijä and ofcourse they owners Heidi and Eeva come to visited us and enjoy the weekend. Our house was full of male RR and luckily they all come along together. Brother was at once a best friend together and they running and wrestled like a mad hole Friday evening. We gilrs went to see the band Yö in Tulenliekki and we have so great time and luckily all boys are one piece after we come back home. They all was sleeping me and Pasi's bed so our house was entire too. ;)
Saturday we just relaxed and enjoyed the life. Ofcourse we have to do something with the dogs so we went to dog field to take some obedience and show training. Wow Eeva you have great dog to do obedience. Äijä was so activity to do with you and played with you. Heidi and Rampo was wonderful too. Girls you have a great dogs!! :)
Saturday Me and Eeva and Arttu ja Äijä headed to Mikkeli International dog Show. Todays RR Entry was 16 and the Judge was Mrs. Ricky Lochs-Romans, Netherland. Today was Eevas first time in the Show ring to handled Äijä and it went super. Way to go Eeva!! :) Our result was pretty good. Äijä got Jun EXC-1, BM-4, res-CAC. Congratulations Eeva and Äijä! Arttu got too EXC-3 no placed in BM ring. The day was nice and lovely. Thanks to everybody beside the ring. Specialy thanks to Janica who tooks the pictures.
 Eeva and Äijä
 Äijä's drive and sound moves :)
 Me and Arttu
 Under the judging
 Arttu's easy and sound moves :)
 all the junior class males Äijä, Avec and Arttu
18.7. Becouse I enjoy my Summer Holiday we decided to make a trip to Turku and Pöytyä for a group Show. RR Entry Was 4 and the judge was Mr. Esko Nummijärvi. Arttu's result for that day was Jun EXC-1, BM-2, res-CAC. The CAC was so close but I'm happy for Tiina and Enska becouse they opened their CAC account.
 Arttu's lovely expression
 Waiting our turn
 Under the judging
10.-11.7. Heidi and Rampo visited our capin. Brothers has so much fun together, they running, swimming and end of the day they sleep together. Of course my other dogs was there too and no nothing fighting with them so we were so glad with Heidi. Ofcourse we owners enjoy the sun and relaxed.
 You go first I fallow you...
 Nemo, Rampo and Arttu
 The gang :)
5.7. Today we headed at Hyvinkää national all breed show and todays judge was Mrs. Riitta Lahtovaara. Todays entry was 7 RR's. Judge like a lot of Arttu but unfortunatuly she could not gave us the excellent mark.
4.7. Tuusula national all breed show. The judge was Mrs. Judy Harrington, USA. The RR enrty was 13. We have great day. Arttu got Jun EXC-1, MB-2 and CAC. Critique added on show pages
24.6. I have been lately so busy by working and training with Arttu and Nemo but today I finally got updated both boys activities with some pictures. Arttu's Upcoming shows added also in show pages.
21.6. We Spended Midsummer in our capin. It was summer first weekend what we stayed there and oi, boy that dogs having fun there. Pasi did some lay bricks thing and my job was make the food. It was first weekend for a while that we didn't have any shows or other activities for the dogs so I have time to rest and loaded my batteries.
Arttu was digging big hole :))
Jeppe enjoy the life and sun... ;)
water beast... ;)
landscape in our dock...
by the way in the middle of those island is so shallow that you can walk and the groud is pure sand. :)
17.6. We were training obedience with Jenni and Jutta and two Goldenretriever Hugo and Max and two Iclandic sheepdog Bjartur and Raggi. Our training last little bit longer than we thouht 3,5 hours but at least we having good time and end of the training dogs having fun together.
I do after little playing session walk with Nemo and Arttu and way back our car Arttu decided to make a big jump straight to the lake. I have little difficult to hold my laughter. I wish I could have my camera with me instead it was in my car. :)
end of our training Arttu wants to give a kiss :)

13.-14.6. INT. Dog show at Riga. We made a little summer trip to Riga with my sister and her son Rasmus. Satturday Arttu and Nemo got nice result. Arttu was Jun EXC-1, PP, JCAC and Nemo was Open EXC-2, CQ, BM-4. Sunday both boys got VG and placed 4 place in their own class. Both day was entry 16 rr and the judges was Anrzej Mania, Pl and Sigrid Järme, Aus.
6.6. We made a trip to Tallinn, Estonia were was Tallinn Winner 2009 dog show. Judge was Mr. John Wauben, Holland. RR entry was 26, couple apsent. The judge like both my dogs, but unfortunaty hi thinks that Arttu was too massive for him and that's way he gave us red ribbon. He like's Nemo too, but he say that Nemo's head is little bit too heavy and he wish that nose was little bit longer. Show gritique added both boys own pages.
24.5. Same group drove to Helsinki at Helsinki International dog show. Today was not our day. There was enter 14 rr and couple apsent. The Judge was Mr. Pert Rehanek, CZ. Arttu got Jun VG-3.
23.5. Saturday morning I packed our car again and headed to Juuka at group show with Arttu and Kirsi. There was register 3 rr and the judge was Mr. Harto Stokmari. It was very warm day and we have to wait our turn about 2,5 hours. Arttu waited so patience and I was so praud of him. After long waiting was finally our turn and it went really great. Arttu was Jun EXE-1, BM-1, CAC and ROP.
21.5. Arttu, Rampo, me and Heidi spend nice sunny day at Hyvinkää RR "Monttumestaruus 2009" lurecoursing happening. It was first time to Arttu and Rampo to chace the "rabbit". It went pretty good. Arttu's time was 15.71 and he placed 46. After that we went to walk with Laura and Sono.
17.5. We have spended nice weekend wit Arttu's brother Äijä and Rampo and their Owner Eeva and Heidi. All four boys get along very well and their having so much fun togerher. All weekend went playing. Saturday Äijä went first time in Show ring and it went better than we could dream. I was handling Äijä and my friend was handling Arttu. Both boys got EXE. Äijäs result was EXE-1, BM1, CAC, ROP. Arttu got EXE-2, MB-3, Res-CAC. Not bad at all!! here are couple pictures of our nise weekend. Lots of more pictures you can find here.
Tarujen ugumu "Äijä" and Arttu
Under the judging
We in the Group ring ;)
Tarujen Ugumu "Äijä"
Nemo, Äijä, Arttu and Rampo
Heidi, Nemo and Eeva
10.5. Our "old" boy Nemo turns 5-years Today. Time flies so quickly. Luckly his is feeling fine so fare but our bad news are that on his surgery leg has now picked up water. So no more playing and long walk only rest. We try to put there push badage but nothing won't stay there so next week we have to go to the vet and they take it away the water there.
Nemo is here 4 monts cute =)
9.5. Arttu turns 1-year today. Congratulations to our little chap! I can't belive it's been year now when the puppies born. We spend the birthday day training the obediense and ofcourse playing with the brother Rampo. They having so much fun and here are couple pictures of it. Thank you Heidi again for nice company! :-)

 Lovely Rampo
3.5. Today we made first track of the year for Arttu and it went great. I have to learn step better but dog was good and very eager to do. After that was Nemo's turn to went in Agility and it went better I could imagine becouse it was awhile when we last time been on training. Her are couple pictures in our training.
20.-27.4. On Monday 20.4 I was booked the vet for Nemo and they surgery the lump's on Nemo's leg. It's about 1,5cm x 2cm big and it's looks tumor after the vet cut it half. So we sended the tumor to pathologist to check out. Thursday 23.4. my world then collapsed. Our vet called to me and told me that pathologist has found that Nemo had malignant histiocytosis. I was so shock, I didn't know what to do or say. I couldn't understand that Nemo had really bad cancer becouse the dog looks so healthy. After I discuss with Pasi we diceded to reserve the X-ray and check out if it's spread in the spleen, lungs or bone narrow. I get time on Monday in Kuopio vet clinik and I was heared that they have there really good and new digital X-ray. So then we have to strech the whole weekend and I have lots of time to use google to look up that illness. It wasn't good idea becouse the forecast lifetime is 2 months to 1 year after the diagnosis. Monday morning we packed Nemo and Arttu in the car and we drove to Kuopio. We have planned to meet Rampo and Heidi after the vet. Again brothers having a good timeto playing to gether. :) But back in Nemo the x-ray shown us for now that all is clear. Lungs looks goos as spleen, liver and bone narrow. For now one the tumor hasn't spread. After hard thinking we diceded to not start any medication for that. Now we have to check Nemo's conditions and after 4 month we take new x-ray and if nothing found there's we can a little bit relieft and if Nemo live one year without new visible tumor or without any symptoms. We survive that cancer and the operation went good and the vet got all the tumor cells of. Now we try to live normal life and wait what future will show us.

Nemo after firs anesthetic little bit tired
Last weekend the spring finally come here and ofcourse we spend couple hours our back yard and enjoy the sun and warm. Arttu having fun with his toy and ofcourse I have to took couple pictures of it. Soon we can go tracking. :) Enjoy the pictures!
Nemo in the front yard
here it's start...
and it's goes....
Here we go.....
change the course
after Nemo get bored Arttu change the chum pal
funny guy ;)
19.4. What a Show day in Jämsä Group show. I packed my dog in the car and drove to Jämsä whit my fried Kirsi. In the way of showing we talk that Nemo possible newer get that last CAC and what happend it's me for mysterious. :) The Icehall was a little bit could and I now Nemo he didn't like could at all... but in the ring he was happy and was waving his tale all the time when we were there. Then the ring assistant give us the pink ribbon and I was SOOOO HAPPY!! Finally Nemo got his last CAC and finniched his FIN CH title!!! After that he was BOS and the BOB was beautiful Mahiri Retta's Eternity "Penny"!
Arttu was JUN VG-1 the Judge say he needs to develop more and that his moves are little bit soft still. The Judge like Arttu alot. My day was super great! Thaks to Sunna, Timo, Kaisa and Kirsi for nice comppany out side the ring!! :DD Pictures coming later when I get those.
Nemo's moves
I was sooo happy that pink ribbon and after I realise
that we won and geting that last CAC
Nemo BOS and Penny BOB
4.4. This morning I made vet surgery reservation for Nemo. Couple months ago I notised some odd lump in his front leg and then after I spoke with the vet we desided to wait and look is it growing or getting smaller. Nothing happed and now we desided to surgery becouse it doesn't disappear for self. Now I have to wait one week before the surgery and then put my fingers gross that there's not find anything bad news. So Nemo get break of the show and other activities. Hopely everything going ok!
11.4. After I sleep 4 hours I was back in the car and course the Lappeenranta Int. shows. Luckily my friend Kirsi was promissed drove the car and I have time to loaded my batteries.Days judge was Mrs Agnes Ganami kertes in Israel. 14 dogs (2 absent ) The day wasn't our day. The judge like Arttua lot but he was too big to have excellent ribbon. So we got VG 2 and excellent qritigue. Nemo got also VG and placed 2nd. I was satisfied the both boys qritigue. Rest of the evening we just lie on the couch. We were sooooo tired couple days happend and maybe we just rest of the end easter holiday. Here are pictures of the show.

all the junior class dogs; Pelle, Utani and Arttu
It's time to shown teeth
Under the judging
Nemo waiting his turn
Nemo under the judging
10.4. Breeder Anne was invite all the U-puppies in Sipoo the dog wood for the playing and spending nice afternoon with the dog. We was planing to go there with Heidi and Rampo. So Heidi drove in Varkaus Friday morning and suprise she has found Eeva and Äijä in Kuopio highway and they all come to pick me or we change the car and start to our trip our volvo. Boys were playing a while in our yard while we packed the car and they get along very well!! :) After a while I notice I left the camera in home so no pictures in this trip. Everything went good until our car back tire was broken middle in the highway 120 km/h 14 km before Mäntälä. Luckily we have reserve tire but we have wrong bolts for the tire. We got change the tire and we was backing in busines. We have to stop in Järvenpää to look right botls for the tire, but hole day we didn't get those. So finally we arrive to Sipoo only 2 hours late. All others was walked already and it was time to coffee breik. We meet the other owners and couple stayed whit us for a while and all four boys having so much fun!! :-)
Eeva, Heidi and I drove to Järvenpää to my sisters house to eat pizza and boys got playing to gether for awhile. No fightning at all. I think they come very good buddies!! Thanks to Eeva and Heidi for really good company without you girls I think I have much force day!!! In back home we was in middle in the nigh. We couldn't drove so fast but luckily we get back home.
5.4. Was our last obedience training in horse stable. No more eating the horse shit...that happend to bee Arttus favorite things to doo there. Now we start to training in out and the dog field. Here are coulpe pictures our trainig except we was training out becouse we have too much dog for training.
Heel on leash
Most important part playing...
22.3. We got nice company in our capin when Heidi, Rampo ( Tarujen Uliona), Jenni and Tico ( Ikimba Chikonzi) come to spend lovely and sunny Sunday day. All the boys get along bretty good and we have lovely walk and after that we grill some sausage and drink coffee. Thaks to you Heidi and Jenni nice Sunday afternoon!! Special thanks to Heidi really good sandwich!! ;-)
Rampo, Tico and Arttu
Arttu on speed
Catch you
Arttu and Tico
I'm maad and fast....
Tico, Artu is behind the Tico, Nemo and Rampo
Arttu, Tico, Nemo and Rampo
Arttu and Rampo
Almost all the dogs seen this...;)
Catch me if you can... :)
Rampo with the snow ball and rest of trying to steel that.
14.3. We spended this weekend in Tampere and ofcourse this inclueded Tampere international dog show. It was nice to spend saturday day in good company with the dog. It was Arttu's first show in junior class and it went better than I could imagine. Arttu got EXC1, Best Male 4 and Res-CAC. That was nice start to upcoming shows. Nemo was also with us and Nemo's result was VG 3rd so we have to still wait our last CAC maybe so day... :-) Arttu went also in breeder class and we got it HP.
Arttu BM-4
Brother Arttu and Utan
Arttu, Arvi, Roosa and Zorro
9.3. New stacking pictures of Arttu. Now he his 10 months old. No longer puppy almost big boy ;).
lovely head
I dragking him with me...;)
3.3. Arttu was Top Show puppy in Luca Cup 2008 challenge trophy awarded by Ridgeback Club in Finland!! ;-) I am so praud our little fellow. Here are couple pictures my rr friends sleeping in our couch. Arttu was sooo tired after spended the day in my work. He behave very good and I was so pleased for him. All my clients was like him very much and who woudn't. Nemo and Arttu are so cute in these pictures. :)

21.2. It's been a while when I updates here but our lives didn't happend much. Arttu and I been practising obedience one time in a week supervised trainig and moreover 3-4 times in home. Nemo and I go every saturday morning in agility training and I hope this year we could compete this sport a littlebit often than last year (one rival ;) ). Nemo also practise obedience and I hope we going some rival this year too. Now I waiting egerness that show year start properly. My wish is to have Nemo his last CAC so keep your fingers gross. =)
We are also doing some long walks on the ice and spend couple weekend our capin so boys having lots of space for running. We trying to one week left Arttu with the other boys what wasn't so good idea becouse he made so decoration in our house. I try to find good muzzle but i couln't find so Arttu is staying working hours in cage( lukily it's only couple hours) for now. And ofcourse Arttu trun to 9 month couple weeks ago. Here are lots of pictures. Enjoy! The letest one are first.
Arttu 9 month and 11 days
flying ears
nice muscles in the back ;)
Every where he is trying to eat something...
Hugo and Arttu and their nice theeth...
cute friend...
Arttu 45 kg and Max 8kg
4.1. Saturday evening we drove to Lahti. Where we have hotel reservatios. We carry our staff in the hotel room and spend little time there with the boys before I and Pasi decided to went eat something. That's not so good idea becouse after we come back our boys has been decided to entertain our room neightbors. Nemo was barking and Arttu was howling in the room. How lovely sound it is. ;) So rest of the evening we spend watching TV. At least boys was very happy to laying next to us.
Sunday day we spend in a nice RR meeting in Lahti. Agenda for the day was havin fun, training a little bit show behaviour and obedience. Ofcourse playing with the other RR's was important thing at least Arttus mind. It was nice to meet all the old friends and get to know new people and RR's.
Thank you all active organisers for a lovely day and tips! Here are couple pictures of it. More pictures find here
firts group training show behaviour
 Arttu practising standing
Arttu's long moves
Arrttu and sister Roosa
Playing and havin fun
3.1. Yesterday we meet Sono and his family. Today we planned to meet Dano and his family Minna and Juhani. Again we packed dogs in the car and drove to Klaukkala. The weather was again pretty could -10 c and we planned to go about one hour walk. This day wasn't our day...becouse first Dano runs toward the tree and we were sure that something realy bad happend. Luckily nothing bad and big didn't happend. We turn round the paw and press no nothing pain. A few minute after Dano was again going and playing with Arttu. Luckily there wasn't nothing limping. After that Minna was slipped and then happend bad. Minna couldn't take any steps for her foot becouse the pain was so bad. Luckily we have both mens with us. Juhani carry Minna in hir back mots of the distance back home. Pasi helped Juhani in the end and we got back home. So they have to left straight away to the hospital. The news wasn't good. There was two different breach and Minna have to go surgery . We are so sorry for you Minna. :( At least I did took couple pictures of brothers. They look so handsome ;)

 frosen heathers are so beautiful
2.1. Today we was agree to meet Arttu's brother Sono and his ower. They live near the breeder Anne in Hakunila. So we packed both boys in the car and drove there for nice walk. It was pretty could day, but luckily all three was running so much so they didn't get could. Brothers has so much speed and Arttu's winter jakcet went broken among the walk. At least they have fun and they enjoy playing together. Thank you Laura for nice walk!! Here are couple pictures of it.
1.1. Happy New Year! The year has been change and we spend the new year evening with my sister and her family in Järvenpää. I did take lots of pictures my nephew and niece and of course the dogs. I have couple extra day of holiday and most of the days has been planned with dogs. Long walks, some activites and ofcourse lots of restin.
Rasmus 6 years
 Noora 4 years 
Costa (My sister families dog) and Arttu