News 2010
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25.12. The hardness day in my life. I had to make my life hard and difficult desicion to put Nemo in the sleep. We all miss him so much. Save trip to the Rainbowbridge.
18.12. Trip to My HUND-2010, Stocholm. This time we travelled with the family so Pasi and Nemo came to with us. I was entered both boys in the ring. This show was Nemo's first show in this year and he was so happy to came with us and entered in the ring. He got open class G. :) I let Karin (Kadamo kennel) showned Arttu and they did great job and it was pleasure to saw them together. :-) Thank you Karin for the handled my boy! Arttu got ch class EXC5 no placement in best male ring. In here is good to end this show year.
11.12. Helsinki winner-2010 Arttu got ch class EXC4
4.-5.12. Once again we headed to ST. Petersburg 2xCACIB shows. Thanks to Anne, Toini, Katja, Kaisa and Jenni for this trip. Arttu got saturday CH class EXC-2, BM-2, R-CAC, R-CACB. Sunday he gotCH class EXC-1, CAC, BM1, CACIB, BOB no group placement this time. Again we took pictures so you can enjoy them here.
18.-22.11. Trip to Minks, Belarus 2x CACIB shows with Kaisa and Prada. Arttu got saturday only EXC the judge thooth that he was quite too big for him ;-). Sunday Arttu got EXC1, CW, CAC -> NEW BELARUS CH, R-CACIB (will confirm CACIB). This time we took lots of pictures :) and you can find them here.
14.11. Jyväskylä International dog show Arttu got CH class EXC-3 BM-3
31.10. Finish Mentaly test. I was planing to tested my both dogs but unfortunately I losted Nemos pedigree and he couln't took part. So only Arttu went to test and he did it like I excepted. He got +160p. and he is gun shot proof.
17.10. Las week I hear that our pictures are in SRRS magazine front cover. Here is the front cover and the article what the judge Barbara Rupert wrote.
Lending the judge Mrs. Barbara Rupert. She wrote like this about Arttu. " I liked all my winners in each class and was enamored with the CC dog who possessed Ridgeback type; yes he stood tall but gave me a pictures of balance, strenght, power and attitude.
In the end, my CC dog was Best og Breed. He never let down and looked and acted like he could go for ever - a good one to have at your side. His confidence commanded me to look at him. He knew who he was - there was no other. "
I am so happy and flattered about these words. I love my big boy Arttu so much. He is allready gave me more than I ever could dream. Thanks to go also breeder Anne for this lovely boy. He is all what I ever dream for even he is quite big ;)

15.-16.10. Friday me, Jenni and the dogs heeded to Estonia and Rakvere where were held Saturday CAC-show. In two months we havent partisepated any shows wiht Arttu. We arive our hotel at 8 pm that traffic was so bad...Quik to walk with the dogs and then dinner in our hotel restaurant.
Saturday not start so good, becouse meanwhile we were on the breakfast Arttu stole Pacos rest food in the Jennis bags. I wasn't so happy but I think Arttu was. It was first our turn to enter the ring. There where enter 5 RR. Arttu enter the champion class and his result was CH EXC1, CAC, BM1, BOB & new EE CH! After that was Pacos turn to enter the puppy class and it went very good. Paco was BOB puppy. So we have to stay there to wait the BIG rings. Paco picked up but in the end the judge not placed him for the fourth best puppies. After that it was our turn to enter the grotup finals and Arttu placed BIG1!! I was so happy! Then we finally enter BIS-ring but no placement there.
 BOB Tarujen Uwayo andBOS MVLionwolf My Little Diva
Judge: Malgorzata Supronowicz, Puola

 BIG 1
14.10. Becouse I had work meeting in the Helsinki I pooked swimming time in the dogs spa at Hyvinkää. Jenni and Pacco entered the puppy swimming lesson and after that was Arttus turn to went to swimm. Lucily we got the most best company with us. Kaisa and rhodesian girl Prada and Peppi come there also. I'm not sure that Arttu loves the swimming but at least I get him to swimm. :) Couple pictures on the spa.
5.9. First open class obedience trial and we got 119 points and III prize. I knew that couple moves wasn't so sure and one sure move we got 0. But our heeling was super great and I know after little bit more training we have chance to get those I prizes. So this is good start.
3.9. Arttu was Mentaly Tested by Barbo Börjesson, Sweden and that test went quite I excepted. You can find the test result here.
We just enjoy the really hot finnish summer. Not so much dog shows just relaxing and lots of swimming. Becouse the weather was so hot we had to do morning walks really early and went straight to swamm.
 so hurry to get the stick....
 Nemo swimming :)
 Arttu swimming
14.-15.8. Me and Arttu participated in obedience coaching here in Varkaus. Our dog association VarPs was organized that. Coach was Crista Enqvist who has been Finninsh obediens team leader since 1997 and after 2006 start to compete her self on the team member. That coaching weekend was so great and we got many tricks to learn. And most important thing to remember was planing those trainings and stick to that.
6.-8.8. We had nice guesst from sweden. Arttu's sister Yaya and her owner Karin and her sister Johanna and Wilson came to visit us and ofcourse took a part three days Kuopio International dog show. These all shows was definetely Yayas and she took 2xBOS and 1xBOB, 1xBIG1, 3xCACIB, 1xCAC and become Finnish champpion!! At the same show Arttu's brother Äijä got his last CAC and become also Finninsh champpion!! Arttu got 2xEXC no placing in champion class and 1x VG. ;)
16.-19.7. Trip to Estonia and Latvia. This time we did this trip to family so Pasi was coming with us as also Nemo. It's been long time that we traveling together. ;) First Friday we drove to Pärnu and stayed at the same place with Kaisa, Janica, Mari, Susanna and Mervi and all 9 dogs. Friday day and evening went to enjoy the Pärnu and good food, couple cider and good company. Saturday we participated in Pärnu International dog show.
Saturday wasn't our day. The judge didn't give any male excellent so Arttu got VG and placed 4. The judge sayed that Arttu is too big for her. After that show we packed our stuff and drove to Riga and stayed there one night. Our hotel was super nice and all those view on the 10th floor terrece was awesome.
Sunday morning we drove to Ogre were the Latvian show was held and that day was our day. Arttu got CH class EXC1, BM1, CAC, NEW LV CH and BOS. BOB was Kaisas Prada. Prada was also BIG2. Big Congratulations to Kaisa and Prada!! Thanks to all great company on the trip! You can find travel pictures here.
 Pärnu International dog show Arttu under the judging.
26.-27.6. Saturday we took a part the big SRRS specility in Barsebäck. On Saturday it was also time for the males and they were judge Mrs. Barbara Rupert, USA. They were breeding rhodesian ridgeback with her husband over 40 years. Arttu was shown big openclass and boy hi did it well. He went all the way and wonn that class and BEST MALE wiht his swedish CAC and become Swedish Champion! Then I have little problem becouse I was planed to go home that boat what was leaving Stockholm on Sunday evening. I have to made some phonecalls and I got lift home later with Taina, Kaisa and Ammi. So I stayed there one more night wiht Karin, Johanna and Helena. They were renting that place together. Thank you all! It was really nice to see Johanna and Wilson and Helena, Chanel and Tiisha and spend some time with you.
On Sunday it was time for the bitch. Ammi's Unna was first in the intermediate class and she did great job by winning that class. Prada was take part in relly big open class. She got 1 and CQ, but no placed in that class. After a while it was time to Best Bitch competitions and Unna did it again placed BB1, CQ and got also Swedish CAC. It was really long day and almost 7p.m. when it was time for Best on Breed/BISS-10. So Arttu and Unna running against eachother. Arttu took that victory and the title BISS-10! I don't have any words to describe that feeling. After that were take part also for the Best head and Best movements. Best head went to bicht and Arttu won that Best movements!! Thank you all for the weekend in Skåne! Here you can find some pictures our holiday trip.

BOB/BISS-10!! BOS was Isabis Gimbya Ghalyela "Unna"
 Arttu and Unna :)
22-25.6. We spended couple really nice days in Denmark just relaxing and visited Legoland. Friday was time to take part to WDS-10. Arttu got Excelent but did'nt placed. WDS were entered 248 RR's so that was a quit a lot. About 100 dogs and 148 bitch. After that show we again packed our stuff in the car and headed back to Sweden
20.6. Monday morning we headed again in the show are. Today Arttu got 1/2, CQ,, BM2, Res-CACIB. I was more than Happy. Becouse both days there were entered about 80 RR, So quite big shows. After that show Karin took really nice pictures of Arttu. All those pictures you can find here. We spended another night in that camping area and next morning we start to drove to Denmark and WDS-10.
 we were waiting our turn

18.-21.6. Summer holiday in Sweden. Friday we start to our trip to Sweden with my sisters family. Firts we drove to Turku where our boat was leaving 9 p.m. Saturday morning we were in the Sweden and headed up to Granna camping plats near to Elmia where the Dog show was held. Saturday evening we met Karin, Josefina and of course sweets Yaya and Pixie. We went to nice walk with the dogs and they really enjoy their lives. Pictures you can find here. 19.6. Sunday morning we headed with Karin and Josefine to Jönköping. Arttu got really nice critique and placed 1/5 in open class so I was pretty happy. The Judge was really strict Mr. Cristian Stavarache, ROM.
 Arttu's really nice movements :)

12.-13.6. Again we packed our rental car and drove to ST. Petersburg two CACIB shows and what a weekend it was! Saturday RR entry was 15 and the judge was Mrs. Olga Doleysova (CZE) Arttu's great result was OPEN EXC-1, BM-1, CAC, CACIB and BOB. The group judge was Mr. Stevan Popov (BGR) and Arttu placed BIG-2!!! I couldn't believe that! I showned also my friends Lagotto Romagnola "Dina" and she got Champion class ECX-1, BB-1, CAC, CACIB and BOB and it become NEW RU CH, RKF CH and C.I.B (pending)!!! It was totally great day. :) Also rest our group got it nice results.
Sunday there were entry 14 RR's and the judge was Mr. Petr Rehanek (CZE). Arttu did it again and got OPEN EXC-1, BM-1, CAC, CACIB and BOB. Group judge was Mrs. Ramush Kazlauskayte (LTU) Arttu placed again BIG-2!! I aslo showned Dina today in best in group competitions and what that girl did. The judge placed her BIG-2!!! We all was so happy for that. That was more than we could ever wish!! Our weekend was so SUPER!! Thanks to Jenni, Katja and Anne for the absoluty nuts and great weekend!!! :)) Here are couple pictures and more you can find in here.
 12.6. Arttu with all his trophys :))
 Open class :)

8.6. Updated show pages for the upcoming shows
28.-30.5. SRY working dog tracking camp in Inkoo. The weekend was really nice and instructive. Thanks to Miia and Kaisa all the arrengements and of course our group mentor Kaisa for the good advice. It was really nice to meet all great people and especially see all those great RR's.
17.5. Arttu's X-ray result came hips A/A and elbows 0/0.
13.5. After short break we entered with Arttu at Kangasniemi national dog show. There was entered 10 RR and two was absent. the judge was Mrs. Jelena Kruus (EST). Arttus result was Open EXC1, BM3, CAC -> NEW FINNISH CHAMPION at age of 2 years and 4 days. Thank you all the congratulations and thanks to Jutta and Carita for the great companion in the show! :)
Sameday I also handled my friend Caritas Doberman girl Sukka. It was Sukkas first show at age of 14 months. Everything went better than we could emagine and Sukkas result was JUN EXC1, BB2, CAC!! Congratulation Carita!! :)
Here are couple pictures of Artu in the Show. Pictures taken by Jutta Pyörre. Thaks you Jutta for these pictures! :)

 Picture by Anne Kupiainen
10.5. My old pal Nemo turn to 6-years. I can't believ how fast time flyes!!
9.5. My sweet boy turn to turn 2-years. Happy Birhday all the U-litter!!
20.3. Obedience trial at Pieksämäki. Arttu compete noviece class and got pretty good result 161,5 points, I prize and finally title TK1. I am so happy. The performance wasn't our best but we got I prize and that was our goal. Here are couple pictures on the trial.
 Long down
 Heel free
 Heel free again :)
 Down during of heel on leash :)
6.-7.2. Awsome trip to Russian again. But this time we had a little bit bigger group than last time. Jenni and Golden retriever Max, Katja and two Franch buldogs Luigi and Liebe, Jutta and Icelandic sheepdog Bjartur and ofcourse me and Arttu. Friday night we packed our stuff in a mini-van what I was rented and headed to Lappeenranta where we piked up two people and two dogs more to our car Ammi and Unna and Pauliina and Milli. It was suprise that all we and our stuff fit in the car and still we have little bit space there or not... :)
Saturday morning we arrived 9 a clock to our show place. I was drived 9 hours to whitout stopping exept one stop to bying a coffee to keep me wake up. We had a long day to wait RR ring becouse it started five a clock pm. Before that I had time to watch others rings and keep my thumps up for them. Finally came our turn to go and Arttu keeped on as sama as he started this year.

 EXC-1, CAC, BM-1, BOB, RKF CH and BIG-2
Sunday morning we headed again at the show place. That day we have two nationals shows. Arttu got again nice result as well as everybody else too. Sundays results was 2xEXC-1, CAC, BM-1, 1xBOB and BIG-1, NEW RU CH.

 Me and Arttu in the BIS ring no placement this time. :)
Thanks to you all your the best!! This trip was really awsome it not could be went better.
Here are all result what we got it
Max: 5xEXC, 2xCW, 2xCAC, 1xBOB Jun, 1xBOB, BIG-1 => NEW RU JCH Unna: 3xEXC-1, 3xCAC,3xBB-1, 1xBOB Jun, 1xBOB, BIG-1 => NEW RU JCH Luigi: 2xEXC-1, 2xCAC, 2xBM-1 2xBOB, BIG-2, => NEW RKF CH Liebe: 3xEXC-1, 3xCAC, 3xBOB Jun, 1xBOB => NEW RU CH Bjartur: 3xEXC, 2xCW, 2xCAC, 2xBM-1, 2xBOB Milli: 2xEXC-1, 2xCAC, BB-1, 2xBOB, 1xBIG-4, => NEW RKF CH & RU CH
10.1. Today we juts chilling and went to long walk with Jenni and Max after long time. Those boys has so much fun all the time. It was really enjoying to watch. They really like to run and play. Here are couple pictures.

Crasy Arttu...
 Arttu and Max
 Arttu and Max
 Mom I find the stick. ;)
 My sweet boys :)

Arttu and his flying ears.
 Lots of speed
9.1. Saturday we spend for cold Kajaani International show. And WOW what a star to this show year. Arttu's really good result was EXC-1, BM-1, CAC, ROP, CACIB and then finally GROUP-3!!! I could not belive that. Becouse I didn't plan to stayed there for the group shows, but my friend Jenni change my mind and we stayed there to wait those big rings and lucily!! unfortunately I dont have any pictures in there. I am also happy for the Arttu's brother Äijä's good achievent he got EXC-2, BM-2, Res-CAC, Res-CACIB. Congratulations Eeva and Äijä!! :)) Thanks to Jenni again for the great company and that You changed my mind! ;)) Here are pictures of Arttu and his trophys and rosettes. :)

8.1. Summary the last year was bretty magnificent. One really sad thing was that we find the lump in Nemos leg and that it was prove to be malignat histiocytosis. So far the life was gone normaly and Nemo is doing fine and that's the most important thing now.

Nemo's achievement was FIN CH, EE CH and also RU CH. I was more than happy for him. Nemo got in the show ring couple nice results.
5 x EXC 1 x BM-1 2x BM-2 1 x BM-3 1 x BM-4 1 X BOS 1 x FIN CAC 3 x RU CAC
My little guy just astonish me so many ways. We practise last year obedience and field tarcking and take part many shows.

Arttu's achievement in the show ring was
14 x EXC 5 x BM-1 2 x BM-2 1 x BM-3 2 X MB-4 4 x ROP 2 x FIN CAC 2 x vara-CAC 3 x RU CAC 2 x RFK kandidate 1 x LV JCAC 1 x Group-1 1x Group-2 1x Group-3 1x BIS-4
In the Obedience field we got
2 x I prize 1 x II Prize
Otherwise we met lots of our friend and enjoying life with them by playing and walking long walks. With Nemo we had practiced obedience just for fun and did some field tracking in the sommer time. I am more than happy for the last year and hope this year comes as good as last year.