News 2011

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28.12. C.I.B. FICH SECH EECH LVCH LTCH BYCH RUCH RKFCH BALTICCH ROCH BGCH GECH CYCH MKCH MDCH BY Grand CH RKFV-11 APHRV-11 BYW-11 RKFV-10 BISS-10 RUBIS TK1 Tarujen Uwayo placed as 9 Finnish Top Show Ridgeback 2011.  I'm happy and pround of my lovely boy! :)

22.12. It's time to close this year. This year has been so amazing in so many ways. Arttu become a daddy first time. He finished his Interchampion title age only 2 years and 8 months. He got 8 new champion title, APHRV-11 and BYW-11 titles, he was 8 x BOB, 4 x BOS, 7x CACIB, 2x res-CACIB, 2x BIG1, 1xBIG2, 1xBIG3. What more I can say about this amazing dog...He is more than we could ever dream and even more. Big thanks to breeder Anne Sassi-Kaitala for this lovely fellow!

Our "little black"  Elle had also great year. We passed Hounting dog test(NOU1) with excellent critique. We entered two obedience trial and got two I prize so one more and we finished tittle TK1. Elle continue her happy life with many hobbys next year.

We have to let go our "old man" Jeppe. We all miss him so much. Almost 13 years together keeps inside many happy memories. I know he always stayed with our hearts.

We wish all  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

17.12. Obedience trial at Varkaus. I entered both dogs Elle in the novice class and Arttu open class. Elle did very good job and we got 176 point and I prize. One more I prize and we got title TK1. Today wasn't Arttu day so no result this time...I think now it's good time to take little brake with Arttu and plann next trial later on spring.

6.-7.12 Kennel Nyambes A-litter on it's way... It didn't went quite we plann. We totally forgot that here was long weekend becouse the Finnish independence day and all the ferry has booked so our quest didn't get the ferry to come to Finland and we made quick plann chance and Arttu and I took to ferry to Tallinna and meet our new friends in there. Of course we miss the first possible ferry and we have to took the next one ferry what tooks 3,5 hour to get on Tallinna. First mating between Darcy and Arttu made in Thuesday evening and they were stuck about 44min. Wednesday we just relax. I made some christmas shopping and the dogs (Arttu and Elle) made some heart attackt to the cleaner becouse I forgot to say in reception that I have my room two dogs...So you could imagine what happend.... ;) Luckily they got the dogs back to my room and everything was ok when I came back from town. Second mating betveen Darcy and Arttu was made wednesday evening and I think they made some record by been in stuck 70min... 8). Now we hope that there are coming lots of lovely puppies. :) If everything goes well puppies expected born early on February and will be ready in new homes end of March. You could find more informations on Kennel Nyambes web pages If you are interesting in this combinations please contact Zdeněk Doleža,

3.-4.12 Show weekend at Helsinki Winner and Finnish Winner shows. Show pages updeted. You could find results here.

28.11 Life is like a roller couster one moment you are full of joy and next minute the life is full of grief. Almost 13 years together it was time to let you my old guy to run free again and meet all the great dogs in the rainbowbridge. Now it's gone all the pain and you are free again. You always stay at our hearts. In memoriam mixed breed Jeppe.

22.11. I have very exciting litter planns news for winter 2011/2012. More informations on this combination coming soon...


19.-20.11 I was planned to partisepated in with both dogs at the obedience trial. Unfortunately Elle come to very sick and I have flue so we skipped this time and just relaxed in Home. Sunday I were entered Arttu at Jyväskylä International show so I desided to to go there even I wasn't quite that mood...Becouse night before I was stayed up all night and watched Jeppe he got very bad vomiting. The night wasn't our best....Our result at Jyväskylä you can find here

29.10 SRB (Finnish Ridgeback club) Open Show at Orimattila

For a while we not been enter the show ring so it was time to entered SRB Open Show unofficial show at Orimattila. It was really nice day becouse I also met couple of Arttu offspring Who also start they show career. I was so happy and pround of these "small" guys but they were so relax and behave really good in the ring. I have quite hurry day becouse I have a honor to show Arttu's brother Rampo in pet class his son Unto in puppy class and unexpectedly one male in the intermadiate class Ikimba Gofiri and of course Arttu in the champion class. Day means lots of running and more running.... ;)If no one knows yet I have some problems about those messure sticks...I wonder why? :D So I saw that judge was start to messure all the dogs, not so good day for us I was thinking. Finally it was our turn to enter the ring. I know everytime when judges start to messure Arttu it means us only VG so I have not big hopes for us. I was so suprise when the judge give us excellent besides the tall...and placed first in champion class. In the end she placed us BM1 but then she said that there is too much tall for the BOB so Arttu was BOS. BOB was veteran bitch Malozi Fahamika. Congratulations to owner and the breeder Päivi and Tuija! More pictures at Open Show you could find here.

srb_bobbos.jpgBOB Malozi Fahamika judge, Marina Markio and BOS Tarujen Uwayo

Here is the rest of the excellent results from that day. Judge was Marina Markio from Finland.
Ikimba Halifu puppy class 2nd, HP
Ikimba Husani puppy class 3th, HP
Ikimba Hakimu no placeement but really good critique.

arttu_ja_penskat.jpgArttu with his sons. From left Ikimba Halifu "Unto", Arttu, Ikimba Husani "Taisto" and Ikimba Hakimu "Haki"

Thank you all for the really great day!!  Expsecially to Heidi, Tea and Kaisa, and all the lovely puppy owners Marjo, Outi, Tuuli and Timo!! :)

10.-11.9 Arttu just keep going on!


Our this year last shows at abroad. This time we travelled by buss to Minsk Belarus. 2xCACIB shows. Saturday was Belarus Winner show and the judge was  Denis Kuzelj from Bulgaria. RR entry was 13. Our excellent result was ch class EXC1, CAC, BM1, CACIB and BELARUS WINNER-2011 and finally BIG3!! I was more then happy my little fellow! He is just incredible!

Sunday RR entry was 12 and the judge was Radjuk Svetlana from Belarus. Our result was Ch class EXC1, CAC, BM3, **BELARUS GRAND CH**

4.9 Today turn was field test (NOU) trial at Suonenjoki. Elle qualifield in the field and got title NOU1!! Whole test reports find here

3.9. Obedience trial at Varkaus. I entered with both dogs. Hoping to Arttu first I prize in open class but no luckily ones again, but I am quite happy becouse Arttu did those signal exercises and finally result was 118 points and III prize. So the hunting will go on. So it was also Elle's time to entered novice class and what a girl she is. My little princes. Nicely we got 182 points and I prize and we placed 5/11 competitions. I am so happy for both of my dogs!! :) That competitions was also Nord-Savo district champion and VarPS2 team winn where we with Elle belong. critique updated Arttu here and Elle here

30.7.-8.8. BLACK SEA WINNER turnee at Romania Constanta and Bulgaria Albena

** 12 Shows 6 NEW CHAMPION TITLES, 2xBIG1 and 1x BIG2!! **

** Aphrodite Balkanian Winner-2011**

** Arttu is now also Champion of Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Cypros, Georgia, Makedonia **


End of July we start to little show turnee. We spended forth and back 6 days nearly 100 hour at buss. 10 days and 12 shows, 7 different country in same place, lots of sun, waiting, great memories and amazing results. This year is been so unforgettable and my lovely boy just keep going!  More pictures of our trip you could find here.

17.7. We spend with Pasi couple days in Oulu and ofcourse took part sunday's Oulu International dog show. Judge was Anca Giura from romania and RR entry was 13. There was only champion class male and rest of the rr was bitches. This judge like to put us run so many round that I cant even remember how many it was. :)) Our excellent result was Arttu CH EXC CQ BM1 CACIB and BOB. BOS was beautiful girl Mahiri Retta's Eternity "Penny". Congratulations family Kivisalo!! Becouse the ring was so early (10 am.)  we decided to not to stay to wait the big rings. Here is couple pictures of the show.


Me and Arttu in front of judge





Arttu's nice movements

BOB Tarujen Uwayo and BOS Mahiri Retta's eternity

1.-4.7. SRRS Specialities in Stockhholm Sweden. Our ferry arrive on Friday morning in Stockholm were we (Kaisa, Lari, Pasi, Me and ofcourse Arttu and Myy) drove to Årsta Slott first day out of three of showing. RR entry was both days +110 puppies not in cluding that. Friday judge for the males was Luise Pinto Texeira, Portugal and female Jose Home De Mello, Portugal. It was very long and hot day to wait the champion class start. Finally it started and was our turn to entered the ring. Ofcourse we were the last one our class so little bit waiting again before we step in the front of judge.

Standing in the line


Arttu in front of judge

The judge was very strict and I coulnd't even think about the placement so tough champion class. But he pick us first and then we have to do more running and in the end he placed us first place in Champion class!! I was so Happy for this. Then quickly cooling the dog and back in the ring for the Best Male competitions. Once again the judge pick us first and placed first in the line. Then we have to run again and finally he placed Arttu Best Male!! This is how the judge descripe the Arttu for the public "This is a supper dog, he had nice croups, very masculine head and he movments are excellent" ( I think he said at least three time that Arttu is a Supper dog!!) My one and only! :)

Arttu CH EXC1 BM1

Then it was time to wait the bitces and what a start to weekend Arttu beautiful sister Yaya winn the bitches!! So it was time to sisters to compete the BOB and BOS tittles. And in the end Yaya winns BOB!! Congratulations Karin! :)

male judge were checking Yaya and the bitch judge checking Arttu


Yaya was BOB/BIS and Arttu was BOS/RUBIS




Saturday show I had plesure to showned one of Karins puppie in Yaya's litter. So it was soon my turn to enter the ring with Masai. We hadn't time to practise at all but still it went super.The judge was Linda Parke, UK

Masai (Kadamo All Eyes on Amstrong) stood like a statue when the judge checking him.

Masai placed nicely second after his brother Diezel

saturday judge was Mrs. Lynne Harwood, Australi. Today was not out day she gave Arttu EXC but no placement this time. 

Arttu in front of judge

Sunday was bitches turn to shown and Lari let me to shown Myy. This was my first time to ever handled Myy and it was my plesure. Myys results for the both days was very good.

me and myy in the ring

Big congratulations Arttu sister Yaya whos was RUBISS at the end of the day!! It was nice to met all the new friends and sisters Furst! I really hope to see you all soon!! Thanks to Kaisa and Lari excellent company on the show ground and whole trip. This was so great roudtrip  that we have to do it soon again!! :DD



21.6. Another Obedience trial at Mikkeli. This time Arttu got II-prize and 144p. The whole results find here.

16.6. Obedience trial at Pieksämäki. Arttu got III-prize 131,5p. Result you can find here.


21.-22.5. Douple shows at International dog show in Hamina and Helsinki. We have great weekend and the results are Saturday at Hamina Ch EXC4, CQ, BM4 and Sunday at Helsinki Ch EXC1, CQ, BM1, CACIB and BOB!! Results you can find here. After Hamina show I drop the dogs to my sisters place and keep driving to Karkkila to see Arttu and Mangos puppies and they were so cute!! First stacked photos 4 weeks old puppies HERE.

Me and all 9 puppies :) >3

14.5. After a while it was time to obedience competiton with Arttu. What a start for that competition we got really nice points first and then come signal exercise and Arttu decided to stay on the ground and we got 0 in that sector and whole points for the day was 154 and II prize. I could say it damn close that I prize!! :D whole result you could find here. So lets plann another competitions and the I prize will be come one day! ;))

7.-8.5. May first weekend we spend in Tampere International dog show and same weekend was also organised finnish RR speciality. Saturday was international show. RR entry was 33 and the judge was Mrs. Sharon Sakson, USA.  Arttu's nice result for that day was CH EXC4, BM4. There also showned Tarujen breeder group what was HP1 and BOB!! Congratulation Tarujen breeder Anne! After show we went to nice walks with Kaisa and her dog's and Ammi and Unna. Arttus critique you can reed in here. Thanks to Kaisa and Ammi for great company beside the ring and saturday evening and Kaisa for the Friday evening! :) 

Sunday was RR speciality and rr entry was 79. Huge number of RR. Days judge was Elisabeth Megginson from South-Africa. Judge has been breed rhodesian ridgeback for kennel name Shangara. Arttu was again in ch class and he got EXC the judge thought that he was little bit too high for her liking. ;) BIG CONGRATULATIONS for Tarujen breeder Anne whos lovely young bich Tarujen Wedzera "Pipa" was BISS!! We have a great weekend with friends and watching beatiful ridgebacks! Thanks to everybody in the show ground! :))


Arttu at the Tampere Int. show EXC4, BM4




                Prada, Arttu and Unna                                                                                           Prada and Arttu


girls Prada, Peppi and Unna

Arttu RR specility in front of judge


30.4.-1.5. Weekend once again in ST. Petersburg this time we got two lovely rotwailer girls to travel mate and ofcourse their owner Katja. This time our show place and hotel was near the ST. Petersburg town town so we see gorgeous church on our way to hotel. Saturday we have RR speciality show entry was 35 rr and judge was Mrs. Sharon Sakson USA,  Arttu got EXC2 so it was time to go back our hotel and enjoy the first day of May days good food and little bit wine ofcourse. ;) Sunday we have CACIB show and Arttu did it again CH class EXC1, CAC, BM1, CACIB and BOS. Thank you Katja for the hilarus company and soon again! ;))

Very pretty church


the judge is examine Arttu


                 Nata and Nancy                                                                                                    our diner


25.4. Ikimba H-litter is here!!  9 puppies, 6 boys and 3 girls. All have ridges. One of the boys have DS and one girl have three crowns. No other faults so far. Born weight was 470-570g. Mam and pups doing fine! :)


Mango and 9 beautifull puppies :))




19.4. Another litter plann fo summer 2011 at Kennel Riziki, Finland. The bitch will be Tarujen Riziki "Saimi". If everything goes as planned the puppies born later this summer. Both Arttu and Saimi have hips A/A and elbows 0/0 and spine x-ray clear. They are International Champions and have been mentaly tested with great results.

More information in this combination and inquiries at Kennel Riziki by email lari(at) or by phone +358 41 540 5682.

Of course if you want to know something about Arttu you can email or call me aswell. :)



















4.4. Arttus fiancee beautiful Mango is goin to have a puppies in three weeks!! We are so happy!! :) More informations in this litter Kennel Ikimba



27.3. This time we headed with Jenni and Paco to Lithuan national show. RR entry was 4, one absent and all entered was males. Arttus great result was CH EXC1, BM1, CAC and BOB, NEW LITHUAN & BALTIC CHAMPION!! This show year has been start so amazing way. I cant be more proud of my little fellow he is just more than I could ever dream. :)


20.3. Sunday morning I once again pack my car and headed to Tampere in Lure Course training. We spend warm sunny day in great company and enjoying to watch the running dogs. Here is Arttus style to chase the lure...Thanks to Kaisa accommadations and monday morning obedience training company! :)




19.3. Today we entered Obedience trial. This was Arttus second time in Open class. We got 116points and III prize. This only means that you should be training also could sand if you are going to compete that kind of bottom. ;) So waiting next competition.


12.-13.3. Once again on the roud trip this time we headed in the Latvia and Latvias Winner show. We got Kaisa and Prada our travel mates. On the saturday morning we start to our trip to Latvia. We had make a reservate the  sauna and yacuzzi and I think that was such a great idea after long drive it was really nice to relax and enjoy. This time we didn't need to wake up like 6 am but we could sleep long and leave hotel 12 am to show place on sunday morning.  In the winner show was entered 19 rr  and 3 was absent. Arttu entered ch class there was three other competitors. The judge was Mr. Paul Jentgen (Lu). Arttu got very nice result CH EXC2, BM2 and res-CACIB. Both ways we stop near the Baltic Sea to the walking with the dogs. The outlooks was so nice and the weather was warm defenit it was spring time! :) Thank to Kaisa and Prada once again great company! :) Pictures coming later...




26.-27.2. Once again I packed our car and headed up to ST. Petersburg. This time we got Ammi and Unna travel companies. We met Ammi and Unna saturday morning in Lappeenranta and move Ammis stuff in my car. In the Border we have to wait 1,5h before we got check our papers and car. Finally 6 pm we arrive to our hotel. First we took dogs for the long walk and then we go to shoppin little bit food in the shows and ofcourse we were in russian we have to bought real russian sparkling wine and enjoy it in our hotel room. After shopping we went to nearest restaurant and enjoy our diner.

Travel mates Unna and Arttu

Me and Arttu wondering the Sparkling wine bottle :)

We were ready quite early in the sunday morning on the show place and once again there were happened judge change. Before that RR speciality begun once again they want to change the judge. Finally we got Mr. Yochai Barak to judge the RR's. 43 RR's was entered and Arttu got CH class EXC1, Club CC but this time no placement in the Best Male ring. After that show we also entered International shows there we entered 32 rr's. Arttu Entered Champion class and got really nice result EXC1, BM1, CAC, CACIB and BOB. The judge was Mr. Thomas Borkowsk, poland. We decided to stay wait the group rings but this time no placement so we pack our stuff and start to drive back home. I was home or my sisters place in Mikkeli little bit over the half night. We also meet in ST. Petersburg Arttu's brother Uno and Uno's dother Era (Rosso D'oro Extra-Class)and took couple pictures of all.  Thanks to Ammi and Unna really great company and soon again! ;) :)

Arttu under the judgind in RR Club show




Arttu, Era and Uno


Brothers Arttu and Uno

Arttu got a nice visitors from kennel Ikimba. Ikimba Belle Anelle mated both days. Thuesday we forgot to took time, but wednesday we remember that and they hangign for 35 minutes.  We expected puppies to born end of April. More information in this combinations finds under planned litters and Kennel Ikimba




12.2. What a amasing start for this year shows. Saturday we entered Tallinna International dog show. Breed entry was 9, one absent. Arttu entered in champion class EXC1, BM1, CACIB, BOS and new International Beauty Champion(pending)!!! Me was so happy that our "little" fellow winn this C.I.B. tittle! Big thanks to our breeder Anne Sassi-Kaitala for this lovely and amasing boy!! He had deserved those tittles more than we could ever dream off!!

I also handling and take care my friend Kaisas bitch Babe Candy Helya Ridge "Prada" as well. Prada entered also in champion class and she got EXC2, BB4. This was my second time to handling Prada and it went quite good. :) Thank you Kaisa for the trusting me for handling Prada!

Thanks to Katja also very exciting and hilarus trip ones again. Next time I try to remember took my passport with me! ;) Here are couple pictures. Critique updated in shows.

Arttu under the judging


Babe Candy Helya ridge "Prada"


Me and Prada in the movement


Tarujen Uwayo BOS & Rosso D'oro Get Around BOB